
Núñez i Navarro Group, once again awarded for its management in Occupational Risk Prevention during the rehabilitation of La Rotonda

Written in 13/12/18 · Reading time: 3 minutes
The Rotunda

The management of Núñez i Navarro in Occupational Risk Prevention has once again received external recognition for its excellence and thoroughness. If in 2017 it was the mutual insurance company Asepeyo that awarded the prize for the best prevention management practice for the overall management of the rehabilitation of the La Rotonda building, in 2018 it was the main Catalan employers' association, Foment del Treball Nacional, that during the IX Atlante Awards has once again recognized the Group's work in prevention at the emblematic building, which is currently the headquarters for companies such as Nike Spain or Accenture, as well as an excellent revitalizer of the area, thanks to the fitness center and the food outlets that have opened on the ground floor of the building.

The award ceremony was held on November 21st in the Grand Hall of the Foment building, with the presence of the Director of Quality, Safety and Environment of the Núñez i Navarro Group, Jordi Cabedo, who accepted the award on behalf of the company. From Núñez i Navarro, the jury appreciated the management carried out in the rehabilitation of the heritage building 'La Rotonda', and especially valued that preventive aspects were integrated throughout the construction process, from the acquisition of the property to ensure its condition, through the coordination of construction safety, to the commercial exploitation of the property, as well as the results obtained in terms of occupational accident rates.

At the end of the gala, Jordi Cabedo highlighted three aspects to appreciate after receiving the award: “firstly, the recognition from a prestigious business entity, the commitment to well-done work, and the Occupational Risk Prevention of our company. A reinforcement to our brand image. Moreover, it demonstrates that risk prevention can be effectively implemented in the overall management of a real estate company, like Núñez i Navarro, throughout the various stages of a building: acquisition, construction-rehabilitation, and commercial exploitation.” He also wanted to emphasize that “our day-to-day work, often little known and not as 'glamorous' compared to other more strategic areas, besides yielding good results for the company; ultimately also receives the recognition and reward it deserves.”

Nuñez i Navarro La Rotonda

The achievement of a second prize for the management in prevention carried out in a colossal project such as the rehabilitation of La Rotonda once again highlights the importance that this area has for the Núñez i Navarro Group, which bases its strategy on four differentiating points in favor of prevention:

  1. The company's historic and ongoing commitment to safety and low workplace accident rates, with full support from the Board of Directors to implement prevention policies and actions at all work centers.
  2. Having an internal Safety and Health department within the HR area, with four specialists of extensive experience and professionalism. Organizationally independent from the production and operations areas.
  3. Very close collaboration with internal managers and supervisors, contractors, and suppliers that allows us to transfer our knowledge and share responsibilities in occupational safety.
  4. Starting from the legal obligations set by the occupational risk prevention regulations as an initial point of departure, not just of arrival. To go beyond mere formal legislative compliance

The coordinated development of these four principles for over 15 years by the Department of Safety and Health has generated, according to Jordi Cabedo, “an internal preventive culture at Núñez i Navarro that consolidates respect and seeks to improve safety and health conditions for both in-house workers and external collaborators.”

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